
Fallstreak Holes: What They Are And How They Form
Certain meteorological events, specifically cloud formations, often have unique but also puzzling characteristics. Fallstreak holes are one such occurrence, but[...]
Defining Mammatus Clouds – What They Are And How They Form
Some cloud formations always manage to put on a striking display, but Mammatus or Bubble clouds look ominous and threatening.[...]
Noctilucent Clouds: Defining Night Shining Clouds And How They Form
Certain cloud formations can result in some of the most awe-inspiring and spectacular events nature occasionally puts on display. We[...]
The Rainbow – A Meteorological Phenomenon That Knows How To Put Up A Show
Rainbows are, without doubt, the most photographed and well-known meteorological phenomena on Earth. But what exactly are these events, how[...]
Facts About The Exosphere: The Outermost Layer Of The Atmosphere
Earth's atmosphere consists of five different layers, each with its own unique features. We examine what precisely the outermost layer,[...]
Defining A Sundog Or Parhelion And How It Occurs
On some rare occasions, while looking at the horizon during sunset or sunrise, one can observe what looks like "multiple[...]
Defining Humidity – What It Is, How It Forms, And Its Characteristics
Meteorologists and weather enthusiasts are well aware of the critical role humidity plays in the creation of different meteorological events.[...]
Solar Halos – Defining The Rings Around The Sun
Occasionally, while looking up at the sky, one may notice a hazy rainbow-coloured ring around the sun. This phenomenon is[...]
Defining The Aurora Borealis – What These Northern Lights Are, And How They Form
Most of us have never observed the Northern Lights in person, but many readers will most definitely have seen images[...]
The Thermosphere: Defining The Characteristics Of Earth’s Fourth Atmospheric Layer
It may be one of the outermost layers of the Earth's atmosphere, but the importance of the thermosphere cannot be[...]
The Stratosphere – Defining Earth’s Second Atmospheric Layer And Its Defining Characteristics
The Earth's atmosphere consists of five layers, each with its distinct characteristics. The stratosphere is the second, situated above the[...]
Facts About The Mesosphere – What It Is And Its Defining Characteristics
Earth's atmosphere consists of 5 layers, each with its distinct features. The mesosphere is the third layer, located above the[...]
Land And Sea Breezes – What They Are, And The Differences Between Them
Most readers have heard of a land or sea breeze, specifically during weather forecasts, while discussing coastal weather conditions. But[...]
Cyclones And Anticyclones: What Is The Difference?
Most readers will know or have at least heard the term "cyclone" but are unfamiliar with an event known as[...]
What Is The Difference Between A Hurricane, Typhoon, And Cyclone?
Most of us are very familiar with the terms "hurricane, typhoon, and cyclone." One can easily think of these storm[...]
22 Interesting & Important Facts About The Weather You Should Know
As much as you already know about the weather and climate, there are still a few interesting and important facts[...]
Rainiest Cities In The World – 12 Locations With The Highest Rainfall In The World
If you live in a region where it rains constantly throughout the year, you may believe you live in the[...]
Windiest Places On Earth – A Look At The 11 Windiest Locations On The Planet
A substantial debate is raging in many meteorological circles about the location of the windiest place on Earth. There are,[...]
Warm And Cold Fronts – What They Are And How They Differ From Each Other
Frequent viewers of weather forecasts will be familiar with the terms "warm and cold fronts." Exactly what they are, though,[...]
101 Weather And Home Weather Station Facts & Tips You Need To Know
Often, one looks for specific answers to specific questions, especially regarding weather-related topics like home weather stations. Sometimes, though, one[...]
Freezing Rain vs Sleet – Understanding The Differences Between The Two
They are both forms of water in its solid state, which occurs when they are forced to cool down rapidly.[...]
The Most Dangerous Weather Conditions On Earth – What They Are And What Makes Them So Deadly
Many severe weather events can rightfully claim the title "Deadliest Weather Phenomenon." We take a closer look at the most[...]
Understanding Weather Symbols Used In Forecasts To Know What To Expect From Future Atmospheric Conditions
Most readers will be familiar with the symbols used in television and online weather forecasts, mobile apps, and printed media.[...]
How The Moon Affects Our Weather And Climate
It may be hard to imagine that the Moon, approximately 380 000 km or 236 000 miles away, can have[...]
Defining Arcus Clouds – What They Are And How They Form
Certain cloud types appear to have very distinct shapes and sizes. Arcus clouds are one such example, but these cloud[...]
Defining A Fogbow – The Rainbow’s Less Glamorous Cousin
Anyone who observed a fogbow could easily mistake it for a strange colorless rainbow. Although not entirely incorrect, this meteorological[...]
Virga Rain: Explaining Virga And How It Occurs
Some may not have heard the term used before, yet the chances are pretty good that most readers have already[...]
Defining A Shelterbelt And How It Works
Air movement plays a crucial role in the development of most weather conditions. At ground level, though, strong winds can[...]
Köppen Climate Classification: Defining The Climate Zones Of The World
A region's vegetation primarily results from local, prevailing weather conditions, while the vegetation influences its climate in return. The Köppen[...]
Weather Rockets: A Special Kind Of Sounding Rocket
Weather stations primarily take atmospheric measurements in the troposphere, while weather balloons take readings up to 40 km in the[...]
Continental Arctic To Maritime Equatorial – The Six Types Of Global Air Masses And Their Characteristics
The terms used in this article's title may sound unfamiliar & confusing, but they all form part of the six[...]
Pilot Balloons – What They Are And Their Use In Meteorology
When thinking of meteorological equipment, one usually thinks of sophisticated, hi-tech devices. You might be surprised to learn simple helium-filled[...]
Acid Rain – What It Is And Its Impact On The Environment
Pollutants and greenhouse gases, specifically carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons can reach dangerously high levels in the atmosphere. A[...]
Microclimates: What They Are And How They Form
Often, you will experience a noticeable change in weather conditions after entering a forest during a hike or driving into[...]
The Effects Of Ozone Layer Depletion
Readers who grew up in the late 20th Century may remember the term "Hole In The Ozone Layer." It refers[...]
Nacreous Clouds – Explaining The Phenomenon Also Known As “Mother Of Pearl Clouds”
Once, an observer commented that "once seen are never forgotten," He was referring to a rare, meteorological phenomenon called Nacreous[...]
Crepuscular Rays – What They Are And How They Form
Under the right conditions, different shades of sunlight or "sunbeams" penetrating the clouds during sunset create an awe-inspiring display. This[...]
Examining Continental Glaciers And How They Form
All the ice in the world's glaciers combined makes up around seventy percent of the world's total fresh water. Continental[...]
Examining The Difference Between A Solar And Lunar Eclipse
Solar eclipses are some of the most anticipated & well-known celestial events that have been observed worldwide for centuries. We[...]
The Numerous Advantages Of Owning A Home Weather Station
Many readers across the world already own a home or personal weather station, including numerous small to medium businesses. This[...]
St Elmo’s Fire – What It Is And How It Occurs
On rare occasions, an event characterized by strange blueish "flames or lights" may be observed on tall buildings or structures[...]
Atmospheric Absorption – Shielding The Planet From Solar Radiation
Earth is bombarded with large amounts of solar radiation on a daily basis. Although it is crucial for all life[...]
Canyon Winds – What They Are And How They Form
Wind primarily forms due to air pressure changes over distance and the pressure gradient. However, topographical changes on the planet's[...]
Ephemeral Streams – What They Are And How They Occur
Inland waterways of all sizes play a crucial role in providing a water supply to humans, fauna & flora while[...]
Cap Clouds – What They Are And How They Differ From Lenticular Clouds
Most clouds develop as a result of atmospheric conditions like wind, temperature, and moisture. However, certain clouds form due to[...]
The Adiabatic Process – What It Is And How It Occurs
The different features of our atmospheric air are crucial to weather formation and impact the majority of meteorological events. The[...]
The Hottest And Coldest Time Of The Day – When They Occur And Why
A common misconception exists among readers that the hottest time of the day occurs during midday, while the coldest occurs[...]
Huaycos – What They Are And How They Are Formed
Avalanches are common occurrences that cause devastation in snow-covered mountainous regions. In the Tropics, a different event known as a[...]
Heat Bursts – What They Are And How They Form
On rare occasions, one can get surprised by a sudden, unexpected gust of warm, dry wind coming from seemingly nowhere[...]
The Doldrums – A Closer Look At The Intertropical Convergence Zone
Some older readers may be familiar with the saying "in the doldrums," referring to a depressed person. But the doldrums[...]
Derecho Storm – A Weather Phenomenon Unlike Any Other
Most of the time, we are so focused on well-known storm systems like blizzards, tornadoes & hurricanes that we often[...]
Microbursts – What They Are And Why They Are So Dangerous
Under the right conditions, a rare event characterized by a sudden unexpected downpour of rain with extreme wind gusts occurs[...]
What Is A Mirage, And How Does It Occur?
Many readers will be familiar with a scene in a movie depicting a lost person seeing a distant "lush oasis"[...]
The Fujiwhara Effect – When Two Hurricanes Meet
Viewers of weather forecasts may occasionally notice two big tropical cyclones close to each other on a weather map. The[...]
Why Hurricanes Were Assigned Female Names In The Past
Many readers will be well aware of what a hurricane is and the many dangers it poses. What may not[...]
Advantages Of Global Warming – Is There An Upside To Climate Change?
The vast majority of readers will be well aware of the dangerous and potentially devastating effects of Global Warming and[...]
The Water Cycle: The Endless Journey Of Water Across The World
We can see the constant movement of water all around us if we pay attention. Rain, snow, and clouds are[...]
Jet Streams: What They Are And Their Impact On Weather Patterns
Weather enthusiasts will be familiar with the surface winds caused by temperature gradients & topographical changes, but the strong upper[...]
Smog: The Silent Threat in Urban Environments
Apart from its brown or yellowish tint, smog can appear very similar and sometimes be mistaken for fog or mist.[...]
How Altitude Affects Climate
If you live at or near the coast and travel inland to regions situated at higher altitudes, you quickly realize[...]
Can You Tan Through A Window? A Look At The Sun’s Ability To Cause Sunburn Under Different Conditions
In many Western cultures, individuals prefer nicely tanned skin. You just feel and look healthier and more attractive. Despite official[...]
Rain Gauges: What They Are, How They Work, And The Different Types Of Rain Gauges
The measuring of rainfall is a practice that communities have been engaging in for centuries throughout the world. The device[...]
Anemometers – What They Are, The Different Types, And How They Work
A wide range of meteorological instruments work hand in hand to determine current and predict future atmospheric conditions. One of[...]
Defining Weather Satellites – What They Are And How They Work
More than 8000 artificial satellites are currently orbiting the Earth, of which 4853 are still active. They are used for[...]
What Is A Dust Storm, And How Does It Form?
People living in arid or semi-arid regions, which are characterized by loose, dry soil, will be very familiar with dust[...]
Solar Radiation – What It Is, How It Forms, And The Different Types Of Solar Radiation
All readers will be well aware of what sunlight is, which is the result of solar radiation. But this is[...]
The Impact Of Weather On Aviation And The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Bad Weather And Air Travel
If you are a regular air traveler or a tourist taking a long overdue vacation, there is a good chance[...]
The Orographic Effect And Its Impact On Weather Conditions
Readers may be familiar with the impact of warm & cold fronts, wind, and other elements on weather conditions. A[...]
Defining Precipitation – What It Is And How It Occurs
Precipitation is the umbrella term used for meteorological events like rainfall, snow, hail, fog, and mist. It is seen as[...]
The Elements Of Weather And Climate And The Instruments Measuring Them
One experiences them every day and, over time, starts to associate them with different weather conditions. In fact, most of[...]
Rain Without Clouds – Defining Sunshowers Or Sereins, And How They Occur
Rain is usually associated with the presence of substantial cloud formations. But occasionally, rain can fall from a seemingly cloudless[...]
Stationary Fronts – What They Are And The Type Of Weather Associated With Them
Regular viewers of weather forecasts will be very familiar with cold and warm fronts. A lesser-known frontal system known as[...]
Arctic Regions Are Literally Melting And Burning Away – Why It Is Bad News For Rising Sea Levels
Many readers will find it very hard to imagine wildfires occurring in regions in the Arctic Circle. However, this is[...]
Occluded Fronts – What They Are And How They Occur
Regular viewers of weather forecasts will be familiar with the terms "cold & warm fronts" & their impact on weather[...]
Heat Waves – What They Are And How They Occur
During the last two centuries, global air temperatures displayed an alarming increase in average and record highs. This also led[...]
Defining The Real Shape Of A Raindrop And How It Deforms
Most readers will argue that a raindrop is undeniably shaped like a teardrop. However, this is a common misconception. The[...]
How Animals Survive Extreme Heat and Cold Weather Conditions in the Wild
Human beings don't come naturally well-equipped when it comes to coping with very hot or cold weather conditions. Wild animals,[...]
Understanding A Blizzard – What It Is, Its Characteristics, And How It Occurs
"Blizzard" is often thrown around and loosely used when describing cold stormy weather. An actual blizzard, though, is such a[...]
Defining Fog And Mist – And How They Differ From Each Other
Many readers will be familiar with and already experienced fog or mist in some shape or form. Although they appear[...]
Defining Wind – What It Is & Its Impact On Local And Global Weather Patterns
One type of meteorological event almost every reader will be familiar with is what we commonly refer to as wind.[...]
The Effects Of Human Activities On Local Climate And Weather Behavior
Climate and weather patterns not only occurs on a regional or global scale but are often confined to smaller localized[...]
What The Weather Is Like In A Coastal Region & Why It Has A Moderate Climate
When living at the coast or just visiting it occasionally, one tends to quickly notice a change in weather conditions.[...]
What Causes Weather To Change, Change So Quickly, And Can It Be Predicted?
We all get upset with weather forecasters when they "get it wrong," and our plans are completely ruined. A "sunny[...]
What Is The Weather Like In A “Desert Climate”, And Why You Should Care
Since the end of the 19th Century, global temperatures have been on the increase, and with it, the size and[...]
The Barometer – What It Is And The Important Role It Plays In Meteorology
Arguably, one of the most critical functions of any weather station is the ability to measure atmospheric pressure, which is[...]
Can Renewable Energy From Weather-Related Sources Replace Fossil Fuels?
Renewable energy from weather-related resources is increasingly used to supplement conventional power sources. Whether it can completely replace fossil fuels[...]
Why The Sky Appears Blue – The Different Colors Visible In The Sky Explained
If you look up at the sky on a clear, sunny day, you are guaranteed to observe it having some[...]
22 Weather Myths And Superstitions Addressed, Explained, Or Debunked
Some have been around for centuries, while new ones are formed every day, but weather myths and misconceptions about certain[...]
How Weather And Climate Change Will Affect Your Business Or Occupation
In recent times, very few people still deny the reality of climate change and its impact on weather events around[...]
Weathering – What It Is, The Different Types, And How It Relates To Erosion
Our physical environment is heavily impacted by extended exposure to the elements of weather and climate. This is known as[...]
The Longest And Shortest Days Of The Year: When They Occur And Why They Are Not The Coldest Or Hottest Days As Well
Many readers will be familiar with the terms "summer and winter solstice." They primarily refer to the longest and shortest[...]
Defining A Lightning Bolt, How It Occurs, And The Effects Of Lightning On The Environment
The majority of readers have already seen a lightning strike during a thunderstorm, either in person, online, or on a[...]
Chinook Winds: What They Are And How They Form
Most weather enthusiasts will be unfamiliar with Chinook (or Föehn) winds, but they are simply variations of the same meteorological[...]
Defining Temperature Inversion And How It Affects The Weather
In our atmosphere, temperatures typically drop as altitude increases above the Earth's surface, as many of us have experienced. However,[...]
The Difference Between Evaporation And Condensation – And Their Impact On Weather Patterns And Conditions
Evaporation and condensation are two critical processes that are essential for the formation of various weather conditions. We take a[...]
What Is An Urban Heat Island And How Does It Affect The Weather?
In general, local weather conditions may differ from broader regional weather. However, Urban Heat Island, commonly encountered in densely populated[...]
The Difference Between El Niño And La Niña, And How They Impact Global Weather And Climate Patterns
In recent years, two weather phenomena known as El Niño and La Niña started getting widespread attention due to their[...]
The Effects Of Carbon Dioxide On Weather And Climate
Many readers are familiar with carbon dioxide, mainly due to its negative association with Global Warming. We take a closer[...]
Defining The Galileo Thermometer And How It Works
In modern times, meteorologists have a wide range of choices when it comes to measuring air temperature. But centuries ago,[...]
What Is A Storm Glass And How Does It Work To Forecast The Weather?
Some weather enthusiasts may have heard of a meteorological instrument called a storm glass, also known as a weather globe.[...]
How To Predict The Weather Using Your Cloud Knowledge And Your Home Weather Station
In today's connected world, we have almost unlimited access to weather forecasts across different platforms. But by simply observing cloud[...]
Cloud Types And Their Significance In Weather Formation
Often, we briefly glance at the skies in the morning to see how cloudy it is before heading off to[...]
What Is A Weather Radar And How Does It Work?
Most readers will be familiar with the different ways of collecting meteorological data, but some don't always realize the importance[...]
Synoptic Weather Maps – What They Are And How To Use Them
During Weather forecasts, maps covered with different symbols, lines, and colors are typically used. Meteorologists use these synoptic weather maps[...]
Understanding The Difference Between Weather And Climate
Weather and climate are among some of the most discussed topics worldwide and are often mistakenly used interchangeably. We take[...]
Why Meteorologists Use Historical Weather Data To Make Forecasts And The Importance For Your Home Weather Station To Do The Same
We are all guilty of blaming the Weather Service when the weather doesn't turn out exactly as predicted. Yet, it[...]
Defining A Polar Vortex And Highlighting Its Potential Dangers
In recent years, a phenomenon called a Polar Vortex started garnering much attention due to its devastating effects on countries[...]
Defining A Lunar Halo: Explaining The 22-Degree Halo Meteorological Phenomenon
Under the right conditions, observers will notice a hazy-looking ring visible around the Moon in the evening. This phenomenon is[...]
Extreme And Interesting Weather On Other Planets In Our Solar System
Earth experiences extreme and sometimes seemingly unexplainable weather events at times. But all these events pale in comparison to the[...]
Weather Thermometers: What They Are And How They Work
Many readers will be familiar with domestic or medical thermometers and how they measure temperature. Weather thermometers basically work on[...]
The 5 Layers Of Earth’s Atmosphere – What They Are And Their Characteristics
If you look at the sky on a cloud-free day, you will observe what seems to be a continuous piece[...]
The Difference Between Ice, Snow, And Hail – And How Each One Is Formed
Although they are similar in many ways, snow, ice, and hail are different not only in how they look and[...]
Defining Weather Balloons – What They Are And How They Work
The term "weather balloon" is sometimes mentioned during weather forecasts or meteorological discussions. For many readers, though, it may be[...]
The Impact Of Weather On Your Health – How Weather-Related Illnesses Affect Us
As children, parents often called us inside while playing in the rain to "prevent a cold." We also played for[...]
What Are Gale Force Winds And How Are They Formed?
On some occasions, a light breeze will turn into a strong, persistent wind that makes just staying on your feet[...]
Defining Dew Point And Its Impact On The Weather
The term "Dew Point" is often mentioned during a weather forecast or meteorological discussions. We take a closer loot at[...]
Defining The Coriolis Effect And How It Affects Our Weather
Some readers will be familiar with what is known as the Coriolis Effect, but others may never have heard of[...]
Defining A Tornado, How It Is Formed, And Its Main Characteristics
Some readers will never see one, while others experience multiple events in a single year. But most will be very[...]
13 Surefire Ways To Make Sure Your Home Weather Station Fails And A Few Related Weather Misconceptions
When setting up your home weather station, especially more advanced systems with an array of outdoor sensors, it can become[...]
How To Get An Accurate Reading And Forecast From Your Home Indoor Weather Station
For many of us used to working with personal weather stations, it's remarkable how accurate and advanced today's indoor weather[...]
How Far Ahead Weather Can Accurately Be Forecasted
Readers will more than welcome the ability of weather bureaus to make forecasts up to a month in advance. Unfortunately,[...]
11 Weather Terms And Phenomena You Should Know And Understand
For more than half a century, weather forecasts have helped us to plan for future weather conditions. However, eleven meteorological[...]
9 Ways To Predict The Weather Without A Weather Forecast Or Personal Weather Station
Most readers rely on weather forecasts to determine upcoming weather conditions. However, one can also "forecast the weather" by observing[...]
What A Weather Station Measures – And The Instruments Used To Measure Weather
Home (or personal) weather stations are gaining popularity in homes and businesses worldwide. Most of these instruments can measure a[...]
How To Install A Personal Weather Station – What To Remember And What To Avoid
Receiving & unboxing a new weather station is an exciting part of owning a weather station. However, there are a[...]
Home Weather Stations – What They Are And Why You Would Need One
Most readers have a good understanding of the purpose of the weather stations typically used by large weather bureaus. A[...]
The Difference Between Local And Regional Weather Explained – And How It Affects You
It would be fair to say that most of us have been pretty annoyed with inaccurate weather forecasts on more[...]

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